
We promise this isn't another boring life skills course.

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Launching self-aware, work-ready, money smart teens!

What is the Launchpad?

What is the Launchpad?

The Life101 Launchpad is here to make sure you have everything you need to succeed. We’ll show you how to find a job, manage your money, start a side-hustle, invest in shares, and crypto, and boost your social skills. Things you wish they would’ve taught you at school!

We’ll prepare you to take on the world and find your place in it. Sign up today to get started on your Launchpad journey!

The course

Launchpad is a fun and motivating platform for young people to learn fundamental life skills in real-world situations. Our course contains a series of short, practical, and interactive workshops based on four key areas of learning – Work-ready, Financial, Investments, and Identity.

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A stylised tui, wearing a tie, with a hard hat tucked under one wing


Landing your first job doesn’t have to be scary. We’ll walk you through the process step by step – including writing a CV and simulating a real-life job interview – to get you earning in no time.

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A stylised tui, holding a wallet of cards and cash


Money makes the world go round and having some in your back pocket means you’ll get to enjoy life rather than suffering the stress of living paycheck to paycheck. We’ll help you to be money savvy for life by building your saving, budgeting and debt-management skills.

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A stylised tui, with a worm in its mouth, and a thought bubble with a dollar sign in it


If you start early, investing can put you on track for a fruitful future. We’ll show you the ropes when it comes to investing in shares/stocks and crypto. Yes, you really can make your money work for you, rather than you working for it!

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A stylised tui, holding a hand mirror and looking at its reflection


It’s important to get to know yourself – your strengths, weaknesses, values and motivations. This self-intelligence will help you build better relationships with others and guide you in making sound, balanced choices in any situation.

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Sound like another
boring life skills course?

We thought you might have your doubts. Trial a short section of our Successful Savings workshop, you might be surprised to find you can have fun learning!

Don't just take our word for it

Here’s some of the feedback we’re hearing on the socials from people just like you.

Light Bulb

Not sure where to go from here? Contact us to find out more.

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We'll prepare you to take on the world!

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today to get started on your Launchpad journey!
