
The course

The course

The Life101 Launchpad is a fun and motivating platform for young people to learn fundamental life skills. The Launchpad contains a series of one-hour workshops based on four key areas – Work-Ready, Financial, Investments and Identity.
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Screenshots of the Launchpad platform on a laptop and mobile phone


Our work-ready workshops focus on preparing you to get your first (or next) job. We delve into writing a CV and cover letter, applying for jobs and what you can expect from a job interview, including a real-life interview simulation.

1-2-3 CVs

In this workshop, you will:

  1. Learn how to structure and write a CV
  2. Create your very own kick-ass CV using provided examples for each section
  3. Learn why you need a cover letter and how to write one
  4. Understand the different ways to search and apply for jobs

How to Ace a Job Interview

In this workshop, you will:

  1. Learn how to respond to common job interview questions
  2. Pick up tips and tricks on the interview process, what to wear, how to calm nerves, how to research the company and what to do in online interviews
  3. Understand what to do before, during and after a job interview
  4. Roleplay a job interview in a real-life simulation

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Our financial workshops focus on building your financial literacy and ability to manage money over your lifetime. We cover the importance of KiwiSaver and planning for retirement, how to save and budget, and how to navigate new technology like Buy Now Pay Later apps.

Debt Dilemma

In this workshop, you will:

  1. Understand the concept of debt (good and bad) and the impact it has on people
  2. Learn the pitfalls of credit cards, hire purchase, payday loans and buy now/pay later apps like Afterpay
  3. Learn how to best support someone who might be struggling with debt
  4. Discover useful methods for paying off debt

Better Budgeting

In this workshop, you will:

  1. Understand the difference between income and expenses
  2. Learn how much your daily treats (like buying coffee or lunch) cost you over a lifetime
  3. Learn how to budget for your spending alongside your savings and investing
  4. Create your own personal budget
  5. Pick up tips and tricks on how to reduce your expenses and increase your income (including how to start a side-hustle)
  6. Learn to take control of your money, rather than letting it control you!

Successful Saving

In this workshop, you will:

  1. Understand the value of saving money and avoiding debt
  2. Learn the importance of making a financial plan for your future
  3. Learn about KiwiSaver and how to choose a KiwiSaver provider and fund
  4. Discover a step-by-step guide for how to save money

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Our investment workshops focus on helping you achieve financial independence and security. We cover the basics of the share and cryptocurrency markets.

Straight-forward Share Market

In this workshop, you will:

  1. Understand what the share market is and how it works
  2. Learn what causes shares to go up and down in value
  3. Learn how the share market can affect everyday people, both positively and negatively
  4. Understand how to get started with investing in the share market for your long-term benefit

Decrypting Crypto

In this workshop, you will:

  1. Grasp the concept of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency
  2. Learn how crypto transactions take place in the real and digital world
  3. Learn what causes crypto to go up and down in value, and why it’s so volatile
  4. Learn how and where you can buy crypto, in a safe and responsible way
  5. Weigh up the pros and cons of purchasing crypto vs. other investment options

*This workshop is designed to provide young people with a clear understanding of crypto, ensuring they make informed and safe decisions.

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Our identity workshops focus on prioritising the most important relationship in your life – the one with yourself. Getting to know yourself first and foremost lays a solid foundation for building strong and meaningful relationships with others. We cover personality profiling, core values, and techniques for improving communication and building empathy. We also explore goal setting to help you aim high, take action, and make your goals a reality.

Who Are You?

In this workshop, you will:

  1. Identify and learn about your unique personality type
  2. Discover how your personality type affects your everyday life – in your strengths, weaknesses, decision making and motivations
  3. Be able to identify the personality type/s of friends and family
  4. Learn how to interact and communicate well with people based on their personality type
  5. Build empathy, understanding, and the ability to relate to people who think and operate differently from you


In this workshop, you will:

  1. Understand the value of setting goals
  2. Understand the difference between short-term and long-term goals
  3. Learn about our unique ‘What, How, When & Who’ goal-setting framework
  4. Think about what you want to achieve in your life, with some ideas from us to get you underway!
  5. Set some short-term goals for yourself and put your thoughts and dreams down on paper and into action!

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